Friday, December 7, 2007

Weekend Game

This game seems incredibly simple at first, yet it will get you hooked very quickly. You only have to move the small red box inside the small blue box. Trust me it sounds so simple, yet becomes deceptively tough. Enjoy the puzzle solving everyone!

There are 34 levels, see how far you can get!

Click Here to play

Weekend Game

This game seems incredibly simple at first, yet it will get you hooked very quickly. You only have to move the small red box inside the small blue box. Trust me it sounds so simple, yet becomes deceptively tough. Enjoy the puzzle solving everyone!

Assignment #11

Remember that Assignment 11 is due on Monday December 18th, the day before exams begin. I'd recommend finishing it before then though.

You need two items for this, the assignment itself and this text document.

You will need to create three pages, two HTML pages that will use the code from the text document, and a css page called style.css that will use the information contained within the assignment itself.


Final Web Project

Here are multiple documents that you will want to look at regarding your final HTML project in grade 10 computer science. You web page needs to be posted onto the internet and a link inserted on this blog by Sunday January 20th at midnight for you project to be considered on time.

Here is the general overview of your project, and the my suggested steps for tackling this project.

Here is the website proposal that you need to hand in to me. An layout drawing example can be viewed here.

A Timeline for how you should be using your time in class, and what you should could be working on from home.

Finally you need you assessment document. Remember that 15% of the grade is for your proposal, and 5% for handing it in on time. This is worth 25% of this term.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Assignment Nine

Part #1:
a) What type of advertising if any they put onto your website?
-"Many popular Internet sites are using our FREE professional hosting services as we have no banner ads or annoying pop ups."
b) How much storage space they provide?
-They provide 250 Megs of disk space and 5 Gigs of bandwidth.
c) Do they provide any type of tech support, and if so what type?
-Uhm, They have a "Help" tab on the top if that's what this questions asking because theres this section that says its' supported technologies are: PHP, CGI-BIN, Microsoft Front-Page Server Extensions, and SSI. So I'm a bit confused.
d) How you can upload your files to the website?
-Mhmm, They have an online file manager for upload/download.
e) Do they offer any preformatted templates?

-I do not believe they do offer Preformatted templates.

Part #2:

a) Find free non copyright images
-I don't think this is a great one, but its a free image thing.
b) Provide a tutorial on creating either tables, iframes or Cascade Style Sheets
-This is a pretty good Tutorial on CSS, You just read the page, and click continue near the bottom. It even has a little text box in some cases and you can try out the codes as well.
c) create one of the following: Text, graphics or images
-This button maker website is pretty decent, Not the best, but still alright.

Marcio Miranda - Assignment #9

Part 1

x10 Hosting
-No Ads (Bannerless)
-You get 100 MB to 2500 MB of storage for free
-They provide Live Chat support
-You can upload files
-Preset templates are available

Part 2
-copyright free photos:
-Banner/Button generator:

Scribe Post: External CSS

A CSS modifies existing tags to do things that aren't regularly done when using that tag. For example, you may set the body tag to have the font color green. All text inside the body tags will now have green text. This saves the time needed to place individual tags.

External CSS are linked to instead of being in that specific page, allowing changes across multiple pages by modifying a single area.

An external CSS is similar to a regular CSS except you save it as a separate .css file outside of the index page. An example:

b {font-family=arial; color=red}

(let's say we saved it as ssheet.css)

You then link to it from every web page you want to be affected by it. Place the following code inside the head tags:

link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ssheet.css"

Now whenever you use the "b" tag in that webpage it will be in arial and in red.

A straightforward example can be found here:

Andrew Moir - Assignment 9

Part 1
a.) They put banner ads on your free website.
b.) They provide 20.0 MB in storage.
c.) Yes, they provide support using a ticket system.
d.) You can upload files on Angelfire using the File Uploader (in your control panel).
f.) Yes.

Host: Angelfire (
My Webpage: (

Part 2


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Assignment #9- Jan Laya

Part 1:
a)The only advertisement they put on the website is a link their website.
b)They provide 50 MB of disk storage and 1.5 GB of Bandwidth.
c)They have a help button that sends you to a forum that will have answers to your problem.
d)You can upload your files by click the FTP tab that hey have on the site.
e)They offer 500 free preformatted templates.


Part 2:
-this site have tutorials for any html stuff you need to know.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Working with Cascading Stylesheets

Here are the notes from class that relate to external Stylesheets

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Assignment #10

This is an example of CSS. As you can see the code for CSS is this:
style type="text/css"(i can't put the arrow thingy because it won't show it) . CSS is very useful when you want two or more text to have the same properties. Instead of putting in font tags to change the font property you can just simply do this: b {color:#ff3300; font-size:16pt; font-family:comic sans ms}, this should give the text inside the bold tag the properties you want.
Like so..:

The word highlighted in green is what it should look like.

The same goes for the div tag I use. The div tag alone won't do anything, so you need to give it it's properties. Like the thing highlight in yellow.

-Sorry for the bad pictures...i tried fixing them but i just messed it up some more so I just use those ones.

Well...I just hope you guys get what I was trying to tell you about CSS...well that's all the things I know....Good Luck! =)

Alex Candia - Assignment 9

Part #1:

a) They don't put any advertisements on your website, except a link to the homepage, on the bottom of each web page.
b) They give you 50MB of storage space.
c) Yes, they have Live Technical Support.
d) You can upload files to the website by using their so called, File Manager.
e) Yes, they do, and they have many as well.


Part #2:

- This tutorial teaches you almost everything you need to know about tables. Back in the day I always used to use this website when I needed help with HTML. I would rate this website a 10/10, because it is absolutely fabulous.
- Cooltext is a website used to create text graphics, or website banners, to be specific, even though you can use it for other things to. I would rate this website a 9.8/10.

- Alex Candia

Monday, November 26, 2007

Blog Assignment #9

This assignment is to be completed on the blog. To complete the assignment you need create your own post on this blog, give it a title and answer the question(s). You should provide links to the websites used in your answers.

This assignment's marks will be evaluated the same as any other assignment.

You need to make sure that you are not using the same website/company as someone who has posted ahead of you. You will receive zero on any questions that use the same website as another student. The Evaluation can be found here

Part #1: You need to find a free web hosting company. You need to provide the following information:
a) What type of advertising if any they put onto your website?
b) How much storage space they provide?
c) Do they provide any type of tech support, and if so what type?
d) How you can upload your files to the website?
e) Do they offer any preformatted templates?
Remember to provide the internet address for the website

Part #2: You need to find different websites to accomplish each of the following tasks
a) Find free non copyright images
b) Provide a tutorial on creating either tables, iframes or Cascade Style Sheets
c) create one of the following: Text, graphics or images

This assignment is due by Sunday December 2nd at Midnight.

Happy posting everyone.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Well, an Iframe is like putting a html page into another html page. So you can have your main website and in the corner you can have another website like Google, or anything you want.

If you look at the image. You see the website surrounded by a yellow border? Yeah, that's your Iframe. The rest of the page is your main page.

Some reasons why you would like to use an Iframe is so that you can show people other websites without them actually leaving yours.
People tend to also put polls or pictures in Iframes.

Disadvantages of using an Iframe is that you can't take off the scroll bar because, well, you wouldn't see the rest of the page. You can't shrink the page in the Iframe to fit the specific height and width you put. Also search engines can't detect what you put in the Iframe, so if you try searching what you have in an Iframe from Google, it wont find it.

Well hopefull you guys understand more about Iframes. That's about all I can tell you, so I'm going to peace out.

Joseph L

Friday, November 16, 2007

Weekend Game

Checkout my blog as I have gone and posted a link to a very simple, yet quite fun game. I will attempt to post a link to a new web based game every weekend for your enjoyment.

Have a great weekend and happy blogging.

Mr. Reece

Assignment #8

Assignment #8 involves Iframes. Joseph will be sharing some notes on how where and why we use Iframes shortly.

Here is Assignment #8, and below is an example of what your assignment could look like. I have decided that while I will post the demo of the Iframe page that I constructed in class, I will not be leaving this code in the pickup folder. I want you guys to think for yourselves, and not rely on my code.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Reece

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nested Tables

Nested table are tables that are placed inside another, bigger table. Here I will show you some examples:

BLUE = Table
GREEN = Nested Table

Our next assignment, Assignment Number #7, is about nested tables. So you should be prepared for it. The code is pretty simple once you get used to it. First you make a normal table, with the "table" tags. Then the next step is adding the rows and columns. You do that by using the "tr" and "td" tags. Then once your finished that step you see where you want to put in your nested table. Once you have found out where you want it, repeat the first step, which is putting the "table" tags, and put them into the column/row that you want it to be.

Answer key for first HTML test

Here are the answers for your first term test.

Part 1 - Written Portion. Remember that we will be having another quiz and/or test before we start our final project in December. I will be reusing at least 1 of the questions from this test on the new test/quiz

For the Production portion I have uploaded the html text into a google document. Click here to view the answer key. You can copy and paste it into PSPad if you'd like.

Mr. Reece

Monday, November 12, 2007

Example of a Nested Table

Assignment #7 focuses upon the use of Nested Tables. The Assignment 7 can be found on Google Documents, with the power point slide show example of nested tables below.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bulletin Demo.

This is an image from the bulletin demo, you should be able to get the gist of it right off the bat from the red squares circling the areas of interest. It should be explained fairly easily. If there is anything I have missed, please let me know.


There is going to be a test on Thursday, please come prepared. The list of things you should know were posted earlier, but I shall post them here as well for as you won't forget.

  • Be able to insert an image, and use the alt tag
  • Know the 4 main meta tags
  • Know where Head, html, body etc go in a document
  • Tell an image to use an image map
  • Create an image map
  • Three types of image map areas
  • Main three tags used in constructing a table
  • Rowspan and Colspan
  • How to create an ordered and unordered list

Kyle (Coffin_Maggot)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thursday's Test

Here is a summary of what you should know for the test on Thursday (The smart board notes were quite messy, so I am retyping them.)
  • Be able to insert an image, and use the alt tag
  • Know the 4 main meta tags
  • Know where Head, html, body etc go in a document
  • Tell an image to use an image map
  • Create an image map
  • Three types of image map areas
  • Main three tags used in constructing a table
  • Rowspan and Colspan
  • How to create an ordered and unordered list
Production portion. You will have to create a simple webpage that has 1 main table. You will need to use rowspan and colspan for this table. The question will build upon assignment #5 (make sure you understand all of the elements of assignment 5 for this test)
  • You will need to insert text, images and lists into this table
See you in class on Thursday everyone!

Mr. Reeece

Thursday's Test

Friday, November 2, 2007


A few students have asked that I publish your assignments online, so I've started to do this. I will be using google documents to publish your assignments online so that you can work on them at home. This will hopefully save you from printing the document out.

I still recommend that everyone purchase a USB memory stick. You can purchase a 1gb unit from Stingers for between $20 and $25, or go to staples or at similar store and buy one yourself. This is the most efficient way to transport files between home and school

Here is the link to Assignment #5

Here is the link to Assignment #6

Monday, October 29, 2007

Notes from Monday Oct 29

Here are the notes on creating a table using the colspan command. Assignment #5 is due next Thursday, but it is recommended that you hand in assignment #5 as soon as you are finished.

Wednesday October 31st will be a work period. Friday Nov 2nd we will be learning how to create lists in HTML. We will need our first scribe for this class.

Friday and Tuesday November 6 you will be given work time for assignment #6. On Thursday November 8th you will have your term 1 test. As the test grows closer I will let you know the details as to what will be on the test.

Have a great Monday evening everyone.

Mr. Reece

Friday, October 26, 2007


I just wanted to let everyone know that you will be receiving your evaluation sheets for assignments #2 and #3 on Monday.

As well there will be a very short quiz based upon information that we have learned through the first 4 assignments. The quiz will be worth 10 marks.

See there are already advantages to coming to your classroom blog.

On Monday we will be examining how to create a post, but if you want to get a headstart try playing around with creating a post. To start you need to make sure that you are logged in to blogger, using the account information that you've set up.

Next you need to choose the "Create Post" Option in the top right hand corner of the webpage. That will bring you to a new page where you can compose a post. Give it a try, I'm quite sure that you'll like it.

Make sure to preview your post before you publish it, since once it has been published it will exist on the net forever.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mr. Reece

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Welcome to your blog everyone

Slot E welcome to your class blog. Hopefully you'll find this a great resource this year. Please feel free to ask questions that you are having in regards to computer science.

The slides from today's lesson can be viewed below.

Mr. Reece

Friday, October 19, 2007

Assignment #4

Assignment #4 Working with Image Maps is due at the end of class on Thursday October 25th. You will have time during class on Wednesday (About half of the class) to work on this assignment.

Our upcoming assignment will focus on troubleshooting and the editing of code.


Assignment #4 on Image Maps is Due on Monday October 29th at the beginning of class.

I will return your evaluation sheets for assignments #2 and #3 at this time.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. Reece

The Scribe List

Every day that is not designated as a work period there will be a student designated as the class scribe. This student is responsible for reporting to the blog what has happened that day in class. You will receive bonus marks that count toward your term mark based upon your scribe post. The scribe post is voluntary, so if you choose to not participate as the class scribe when you are chosen please inform me so that I can pick a new scribe.

The scribe for the day is responsible for choosing the next class scribe. Every person in the class will have the chance to be the class scribe before someone becomes the scribe for a second time.

Below is a list of all of the students in the class. When you have participated as the class scribe your name will be crossed off the list. When choosing the next scribe you can only choose from the people who's names are not crossed off

List of Students

Matthew S

There are links of the right of this blog that provide examples of other scribe posts.

Mr. Reece