Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nested Tables

Nested table are tables that are placed inside another, bigger table. Here I will show you some examples:

BLUE = Table
GREEN = Nested Table

Our next assignment, Assignment Number #7, is about nested tables. So you should be prepared for it. The code is pretty simple once you get used to it. First you make a normal table, with the "table" tags. Then the next step is adding the rows and columns. You do that by using the "tr" and "td" tags. Then once your finished that step you see where you want to put in your nested table. Once you have found out where you want it, repeat the first step, which is putting the "table" tags, and put them into the column/row that you want it to be.

1 comment:

Mr. Reece said...

Thank you for being the scribe Alex. You need to pick who will be the next class scribe